Discover the different types of earrings and styles to shop for. There is a variety of earrings that can suit every occasion and trend.

There’s just something so sassy and fun about wearing earrings on a daily basis. Maybe it’s the way that they frame the face or highlight the outline of your head, but I think we can all agree that there are so many fun earrings out there to wear and so little time to make it happen. But even more than that, did you know that there are actually several types of earrings in the world, too?

I’ve always thought of them in terms of “studs”, “hoops”, and “dangle” earrings only but those are just a few of the various types of earrings that we have the choice to wear.

In this post, you’ll learn a tad bit more about all the different earring styles so that you can decipher and choose which one is your favorite.

Most Popular Types of Earrings

Below you’ll learn all about the different types of earrings. Who knew that there were so many out there?!

Most popular types of earrings
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1. Statement earrings
Statement earrings are just like they sound…they’re there to make a statement. They’re vibrant, loud, sometimes large and certain to draw in the eye. There really isn’t anything “quiet” about these earrings.

2. Stud/minimal earrings
Stud earrings are probably one of the more popular types of earrings because they can be worn on all occasions. They’re close to the ear, small in size and can be a wide variety of colors and metals. Stud earrings are great for people who want to reduce the chances of the earrings being pulled.

3. Hoop earrings
Hoop earrings are all different sizes and have been worn by females all over the world for years. They’re often circular and thin but can range from tiny hoops to extremely large hoops as well.

4. Dangle earrings
Dangle earrings are the earrings that you’ll see “dangling” down and hanging down by the shoulders. They’re often elegant or trendy. They can dangle short or long.

5. Drop earrings
These earrings get their name because they drop down from the earlobe. Sometimes they’re long, sometimes they’re short. The term “drop earrings” can usually be used interchangeably with dangle earrings.

Most popular types of earrings
6. Barbell earrings
If you see this type of earring, you’ll know immediately that it’s a barbell earring because it looks just like a barbell! You’ll often see this type of earring in the upper part of a person’s ear cartilage.

7. Huggie Hoop earrings
“Huggies” or “Huggie Hoop Earrings” often come in small hoops that are very close to the ear lobe. What makes these earrings unique is that they don’t have the typical back like other earrings do. They have a sort of a hinge that allows you to open and close the earrings that way and keep them in place.

8. Ear thread
This type of earring basically looks like a “thread” that you put through your piercing area and it dangles on the front and the back. Typically, it’s very delicate looking as well.

9. Ear Jackets
These earrings sound warm, right?! It’s because they are like a jacket of sorts in the fact that they wrap around your ear in a way to showcase them at the same time. The back piece is adorned with some kind of design that peeks out from under your earlobe.

10. Ear climbers
If you’ve ever seen an earring look as though it’s climbing up someone’s ear, you’re more than likely looking at an ear climber. These can actually be quite beautiful and lined with diamonds or other stones.

Most popular types of earrings
11. Ear cuffs
Ear cuffs are a way that you can make your ears look as though they’re pierced when they really don’t have to be. They’re cupped to your ear and stay in place without actually going through a hole.

12. Chandelier earrings
These earrings are long, gorgeous and often mimic the look and shine of chandeliers that hang down from the ceilings. You’ll see these earrings worn out to parties and other glamorous events.

13. Leverback Earrings
This type of earring is actually named because of how it clasps, in sort of a rounded way. It’s for pierced ears and is a way to have a solid closure to your earring. If your earrings are heavy then you should consider seeing if they can come with a leverback post in order to provide more support.

14. Gauge Earrings/Flesh Tunnels/ Plugs
If you have a large piercing, then you will need a specific type of cylindrical earring for it. This type of earrings is also know as a gauge earring, flesh tunnel, plug, eyelet, or bullet hole. Some gauge earrings are hollow and tube shaped so it’s meant to emulate a “large hole” in your ear. Others can incorporate a design. Wearers must have an accurate measurement of their gauge piercing when purchasing these types of earrings. Too small and the plug will fall out. Too large and it may cause pain or discomfort.

15. Clip-On Earrings
If you don’t have any piercing but still want to achieve to look of earrings, then clip-on earrings could be an option. Clip-ons are just that, they temporarily clip on to your ear lobe without damaging or hurting your ear. Clip-on earrings come in a variety of styles and sizes just like regular earrings. The only drawback is that clip-ons are more likely to come off since there is no piercing to hold on to.

Now that you know that there are so many different types of earrings and styles to choose from, think about the type that you wear the most. It can be fun to change up how you look and what styles you try so challenge yourself to wear a few other of these types of earrings as well.

You never know when you might find a new favorite earring! Or at least one that can showcase your features and fashion well.

Do you have a favorite earring type from the list above?


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Most popular types of earrings, Variety of Earrings to match your style #earrings #earringlover #jewelry #jewelrylover #ilovejewelry